It is always nice to know on beforehand what your maximum loan can be. This page contains information about how to calculate.But beware: financiers each use their own guidelines, so expect to see differences in the maximum mortgage loans offered. 

We recommend contacting us for an exact calculation.

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Maximum mortgage calculation
The maximum mortgage calculation is only designed to give you an estimate of the maximum loan based on your income. Clearly there will be other factors which determine the amount you want to or are able to borrow. Financial obligations will limit the size of the loan. Employment conditions can also be of influence.

Additional Loan Ruling
The so called Additional Loan Ruling has been in force since the first of January 2004. The essence of the ruling is that the equity that becomes available from the sale of a previous property must be invested in the purchase of any new property. The additional loan calculator works out the consequences for your mortgage, and in particular for the amount of tax deductible interest, if you remortgage in order to move house (purchase and sale), finance any building work, or use the capital for other purposes. The calculator can be found on the website ‘Belastingdienst‘.

As the Additional Loan Ruling is a complicated fiscal ruling, we recommend contacting an experienced advisor for an exact calculation.

Mortgage Calculator

